Original Item: Only One Available. This is a nice example of a 2nd Model Luftwaffe dagger, typical of the style produced later in the war, complete with portepee and a very nice belt hanger by F. W. Assmann & Söhne. The celluloid grip of this 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger is a lovely pumpkin orange color and in fine condition. It is still wrapped with a twisted pair of wires, which have a lovely patina. There is a bit of wear on the grip, with a few scratches and dents, but no cracks or chips.
The hilt mounts are very nice on this dagger, though there is a small amount of wear. The pommel is aluminum, a very common material used on 2nd model Luftwaffe Daggers. The oak leaves around them are raised out and heavily hand enhanced. It shows overall light wear, with a nice patina. The "mobile" swass have been gold highlighted, which is mostly intact.
The crossguard is made of Aluminum, which was an "Air Age" material, which was used to make most airplanes. It was considered fitting and desirable for the eagle-shaped guard to be made of this material. The front side is an eagle with a breast and talon area that is vaulted out much more so than the crossguards seen on other types of daggers. This guard shows little wear and has excellent feathering on the eagle. The bird, of course, flies to the left and grasps a mobile swas in his talons. The reverse panel is decorated with small pebbling, which shows a bit of wear. The ferrule is in great shape, and still bright, having been protected by the portepee, which is in very good condition, and tied in the Luftwaffe style. There is some fraying and loss of the bullion in areas, typical of a dagger that was worn often.
This scabbard is a fine, straight example, having a good aged zinc plating over the steel base, with a lovely patina. The aluminum carry bands are well defined and have hand enhanced oak leaves tipped at a 45 degree angle, with little wear. The attached carrying rings are aluminum as well. The throat is retained by a two screws on the narrow sides of the scabbard.
The carbon steel blade is in very good condition, and has not been sharpened or used. There is the tiniest deformation to the very tip. The blade is in close to unissued condition, bright with the original factory final polish crossgrain throughout. There is no maker mark that we can see, however this was not uncommon. Some blade makers would sell unmarked blades to fitting manufacturers, who did not leave any markings either. The leather blade washer is still present, but it is deteriorated a bit due to pressure from the scabbard.
The dagger comes complete with genuine original hangers that are in very good condition with no major issues, and a felt backing. The hardware all seems to be zinc, which was probably once silvered, but has faded to a dark patina. The end clips are the more complex and desirable sliding type. The belt and scabbard clips are all marked with the "barred A" trademark, of F. W. Assmann & Söhne of Lüdenscheid, a large maker of belts, buttons, and other accoutrements. The velvet backing of the hanger is mostly intact, though there is wear and some fraying at the edges. The bullion side on both straps is excellent. All spring clips are fully functional.
This is a nice 2nd Model Luftwaffe Dagger, offered in great condition with hanger and portepee, ready to display!