Meet the newly revised and updated edition of Weaving Made Easy. First published in 2008, this book was written for those who know nothing about weaving or the rigid-heddle loom but are eager and ready to learn!
The rigid-heddle loom is widely recognized as the gateway loom to weaving. It suits the modern lifestyle as it is easy to set up, portable, affordable, and highly versatile. It is the perfect loom for those who are downsizing, urban dwellers, those who have limited space for their yarncraft, and handspinners.
When you are a beginner, you worry about everything. My job is to help you worry less and weave more! Throughout these pages, I give you all the benefit of my hundreds of hours of working with beginning weavers and tell you exactly what you need to know to set up the loom and weave well.
In this newly revised edition, I add detailed step-by-step direct warping instructions that allow you to set up the loom in twenty minutes or less! Also new in the book are tips on taking the fabric off the loom, and two new projects that use much asked about techniques—how to weave fine fabrics and how to weave solid stripes with drape. I have added more headers to help you easily find what you are looking for including what yarns you can use (the answer is most), how to fix mistakes, basic terminology, and project planning.
Each project in this book is designed to teach you something new about the possibilities of weaving in simple structures that will set you up to master all the amazing possibilities of this loom.